CUAHSI provides data and software solutions to support many different science workflows and use cases. Capabilities have been developed to support all aspects of the data management life cycle, from collecting, storing, and analyzing data, to sharing, publishing, and citing data, thereby enabling reproducibility in the water sciences.
Explore the topics below to learn more about how CUAHSI’s services and products can support your work, or contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required to learn more.
Data Discovery
CUAHSI’s HydroClient data portal provides access to more than 100 data sources, including over 5 million unique time series, from federal agencies, university researchers, volunteer science groups through a single map interface. Use HydroClient to search, preview, and download time series environmental data such as streamflow measurements, meteorological data, repeated grab sample results, and soil moisture measurements. To learn more, see the HydroClient User Guide.
The HydroShare data repository enables archival and discovery of multiple types of water data including time series data, GIS data, models and more, in a citable manner. HydroShare offers extensive capabilities for managing scientific data, including private and public collaboration, cloud analysis, science dissemination, and formal data publication.
Data Storage & Publication
The benefits of publishing your data with CUAHSI include:
- Data Discoverability: data can be discovered in a domain-specific repository among hundreds of other data sources and through Google Dataset Search.
- Data access control: keep data private, limit sharing to selected colleagues, or make data publicly available.
- Access free tools developed by the hydrologic community for managing and analyzing data.
- Increased project sustainability: data and models are stored in one of CUAHSI’s data repositories.
- Data can be easily cited: at the completion of your project, formally publish your data by obtaining a Digital Object Identifier.
- Support: CUAHSI staff provide assistance and long-term infrastructure support, including regular data back-ups.
Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required with questions about archiving and publishing data with CUAHSI, and to discuss which repository is best suited for your data.
CUAHSI’s Data Repositories:
Analysis & Modeling Tools
Model Domain Subsetter
The CUAHSI Model Domain Subsetter provides access to static model domain datasets (i.e. hydrofabric) for CONUS-scale hydrologic models. It has been highly used for water science research as well as science education. This service currently provides access to data for running the National Water Model (versions 1.2.2 and 2.0) and Parflow (version 1).
The CUAHSI JupyterHub is a free cloud computing environment that enables researchers to execute scientific code and explore, modify, and interact with data inside a remote execution environment using Python and/or R programming languages. It is integrated with HydroShare and the Hydrologic Information System data repositories, making it easy to leverage community datasets, collaborate, and disseminate research workflows.
CUAHSI has partnered with MathWorks to offer a community computational platform using MATLAB software. MATLAB is a programming platform designed for engineers and scientists to analyze and design systems and products.
Cloud Computing
CUAHSI develops, maintains, and hosts cloud computing software to support scientific research and education in the water sciences. Our systems interoperate with data repositories such as the Hydrologic Information System (HIS) and HydroShare. Our goal is to provide tools for analysis, publication, and replication of scientific models and workflows that can be used for research, education, and other water-resources applications.
We’ve developed a suite of cloud computing services to improve the way we conduct scientific analysis, water science education, and reproducible science. These efforts leverage the widely used open source Jupyter project and Mathworks MATLAB Online platform to provide free to use cloud computing capabilities to the community.
Learn more about the cloud computing services we offer: