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Jupyter Notebooks are open-source web applications that allow users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Jupyter Notebooks were created to help increase reproducibility and interactivity in scientific work. CUAHSI uses Jupyter Notebooks to provide cloud computing capabilities to the water science community.

Community JupyterHub

The CUAHSI Community JupyterHub is a cloud computing service that enables users to execute scientific code and explore, modify, and interact with data inside a remote execution environment using Python and/or R programming languages. Our JupyterHub is closely integrated with CUAHSI’s HydroShare and Hydrologic Information System data repositories, making it easy to leverage community datasets, collaborate, and disseminate research workflows. This platform provides all users with a modest amount of persistent disk space to store files as well as free cloud computing, making it ideal for water science education, data analysis, and research dissemination. To access this system you must become a member of the CUAHSI HydroShare and join our Cloud Computing group.

To access this system:

  1. Create a HydroShare account.
  2. Join the CUAHSI Cloud Computing group to gain access to all of our cloud computing services.
  3. Log on to the Community JupyterHub.

To learn more about the full capabilities of this system, see the complete documentation here.

Jupyter Edu

As a result of community interest and use of our Community JupyterHub platform for educational events, we expanded the service to provide cloud computing resources specifically for educational applications. The JupyterEdu environment closely follows that of the Community JupyterHub, however there are some notable differences.

  • It provides tailored support for classroom activities, workshops, and other educational events that use Jupyter notebooks.

  • It can support up to 100 concurrent participants.

  • It can be customized to meet the computing needs of the educational content. This includes, but is not limited to, providing an isolated deployment on the Google Cloud, specialized cloud configuration, and software installation.

This service is available to all water science educators. If you’re interested in using it in an upcoming class or workshop, please contact Tony Castronova at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Tools and Software for Developers

CUAHSI actively develops and maintains a number of software libraries for researchers, modelers, and software engineers to interface with our data repositories. Some of these tools are particularly useful within our cloud computing services: 

  • HSTools is a command line interface for downloading, creating, and editing HydroShare resources.

  • HydroShare-on-Jupyter is a graphical user interface for working with HydroShare data inside a Jupyter environment. This tool supports transferring data between Jupyter cloud computing environments and the HydroShare data repository, as well as synchronizing change to files that exist in both places.

  • HSClient is a Python library for programmatically interacting with HydroShare. This library provides advanced functionality for interacting with HydroShare data and is particularly useful for building new software and web applications

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