A river surrounded by lush green trees

Policies & Conduct

two people hike through a field with yellow flowers and snow capped mountains in the background

Code of Conduct

CUAHSI's Code of Conduct provides guiding principles and community standards for all CUAHSI activities and participants.

A close up photo of a person's hands typing on their laptop

Acknowledging CUAHSI

Some funding institutions, NSF included, stipulates grantee responsibility for acknowledging material based on or developed with grantor support in any publication, including web pages. Your acknowledgment of CUAHSI support provides a measure of CUAHSI's success.

Download the CUAHSI logo and review the guidelines for using the logo to acknowledge CUAHSI support.

an image of an open laptop with the CUAHSI website homepage on the screen.


Permission to use photos and illustrations appearing on CUAHSI digital and print outlets is granted on a case-by-case basis. Some are public domain, some are created by contractors, and some are used with specific permission granted by the owner. Therefore, photos and illustrations found on CUAHSI digital and print outlets should not be reused without permission.

For information about the copyright holders of a given photo or illustration found on CUAHSI digital and print outlets, how the owners can be contacted, and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material, please provide the URL and file name on which the photo or illustration appears and send to email hidden; JavaScript is required.


CUAHSI governance is guided by a set of bylaws

Email Sharing

We respect your privacy. CUAHSI uses a third party emailing service, Mailchimp, part of the Intuit Group of companies, to communicate information to our subscribers. The use of this service is completely voluntary and users may opt-out at any time. At the time of sign-up, Mailchimp will collect name, email address and affiliation. It is CUAHSI’s policy to never share this information with anyone, nor to use this information to communicate anything outside of CUAHSI specific information. You can learn more about Mailchimp’s Standard Terms of Use, here.

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