Where to go from Here: Narrowing your Professional Path – Part II: Co-Working Meeting

September 21, 2023 / 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

Venue/Location: Virtual

The co-working session will provide space and tools for participants to consider and advance their own career plans in a communal work environment alongside other students and early-career researchers. Breakout rooms will map to different stages of career planning: 1) beginning an individual development plan by assessing skills, interests, and values; 2) exploring job postings for career path matches; 3) creating strategic plans to build skills and experience toward specific career goals; 4) refining and workshopping application packages (e.g., CV or cover letters).

Facilitated by: Dawn URycki, AGU H3S

Register: Sign up for the co-working meetings here.

This co-working meeting is the follow-up to the, Where to Go from Here: Narrowing your Professional Path Panel - Part I, discussion webinar that took place on September 14, 2023. This Co-Working meeting will involve breakout rooms and will not be recorded.